Sheep's Lake


Sheeps Lake


Who:Ellie and Covey


Trail:11.4 miles, 5.5 hours

Covey and I discovered this hike on the forest service map and gave it a go for the first time in 2020. The hike was beautiful. I haven't been able to stop talking about it, and am so excited to take family there in 2021. 
You start the hike at Sheep Creek Trailhead #218. The trailhead is located by driving past quake lake along the Madison river on Highway 287 until you turn off on the 87 (like you're going to Henry's Lake). Then you will take a left on Sheep Creek Road and drive past all of the cabins to the very end where you will find the parking area. 
We started the hike at noon and arrived at the lake at 2:30. I brought my paints and covey picked huckleberries. We took our time enjoying the view and the water. There is a trail that continues around the perimeter of the lake, but we didn't explore very far. We left the lake at 4 and arrived back at the car at 5:45. 
The trail starts with a gentle incline through the forest following along the stream and has several crossings on bridges. After going relatively strait for some time you eventually start a long section of switch backs. (There are small side trails if you'd like a look at some waterfalls.) The trail then opens up to meadows and continues up through the mountain valley passing beautiful cliffs on the right with spectacular views looking back. Eventually you pass a trail junction where you can go left up and over the ridge towards Coffin Lake, or right to Sheep's Lake(If you wanted you could make a long loop shuttling cars and do both lakes). Then there is some elevation shifting as you make the last stretch to the lake. The lake is in a beautiful basin surrounded by cliffs.  
You follow along the stream for the majority of the hike, so a water filter would be useful. We saw bear poop on the trail, so bring a bell and bear spray (as always). The trail is decently trafficked. We passed a group of backpackers, some mountain bikers, and there were horse back riders at the lake. On the far side of the lake there are some lower cliffs and I wonder if cliff jumping would be possible (something to consider for next time). 


I personally enjoyed Sheep's Lake more then Coffin Lake hike. I think there is more variety in the terrain and greater views overall. The cliffs around the lake have more depth creating a more ideal mountain lake. 

Sheep's Lake

The road to the Parking Area

Bridge crossing(on return)

Switchbacks and Waterfall lookout

Hiking through the mountain valley after switchbacks

The arrival

Lake Activities (Definitely could have swam)

Views on the way back
The End.
Adventure is out there!
