Axolotl Lake


Axolotl Lake


Who:Ellie, Covey, and Lucy


Trail:5 miles

For my birthday I wanted to hike up to Avalanche Lake, but unfortunately the trail was closed from all the flooding this past year. So instead of doing a 11 mile hike, we did a 5 mile hike. It was fine. The trailhead for this hike is just up beaver creek road on the right hand side before you hit the dead end parking lot. 
Along the hike there are some nice views of boat mountain, and some good views of the surrounding mountain ranges once you get close to the lake. There is one pretty stream crossing on the way to the lake. Axolotl Lake isn't much of a lake, more like a pond. I doubt there are any fish in it, and the approach to try and reach the lake is a bit marshy. But still, it's a destination.

Conclusion. Go hike Cabin Creek Trail if you want a short picturesque hike, and if you want to hike to a mountain lake then head to sheep's lake. 

You could actually ATV almost all the way to the lake. You would just have to hike the last 300 yards because the trail switches to only foot traffic. 

creek crossing

baot mountain

looking back on the way up at the surrounding mountains

bear footprint
