Mt Hebgen

Mt Hebgen

When: 7/12/2020

Who: Ellie and Covey

Wildlife: Golden Eagle

Trail: 7.5 miles, 3.5 hr

We drove up Red Canyon Rd. until we saw the sign "Mt Hebgen".
We hiked out and back from the trail head. Apparently you can make it a loop, but we were unaware until we got back. This hike had the most amazing wildflowers I have ever seen. They looked like they were planted in different color schemes and everything! I will save you from seeing all of the wildflower pictures I took, because we all know that a picture can never do it justice. 

We only saw two other groups of hikers along the trail so bring a bear bell and spray. The trail was easy to follow and has beautiful views of the canyon and the lake along the way. You don't have to go to the top to get great views of the lake. The hike slowly increases in incline, but doesn't get super steep until the last stretch. At the top you get beautiful views of all the surrounding mountain ranges. The Tetons are even visible out in the distance. 


If you wanted to get some great views over Hebgen Lake this is the perfect hike for you! You could turn around at 45 minuets in and be satisfied with the views. If you are up to seeing a more full panoramic then continue to the top, it's worth it. I think we will probably do this hike ever other year or so as we continue to visit West Yellowstone. 

The two pictures below show the views from 45 min. up. There is a large brown sign that says "Area closed to Snowmobiles to protect Elk winter range" and you can feel satisfied knowing you've seen a grand view and can turn around at this point. 

45 min. up on the trail
The lake from top

Great views of the mountains to the West of Mt. Hebgen
And one picture of wild Columbine because I can't help myself

The End.

Adventure is Out There!
