Whit's Lakes

Whit's Lakes

When:Every Year

Who:The Family

Wildlife:Eagles, Horses

Trail: 2 miles, varies

This is a classic. Our family does this every year, often multiple times. It is easy, fast, fun to do with kids, and beautiful. The hike starts flat, gradually gets steeper, and then drops into the meadow of the first lake. You see lovely wildflowers along the way and go through a beautiful patch of forest with dynamic fallen trees before reaching the first lake. 

Just seeing the first lake is a great little hike to do with kiddos. We often take a break and skip rocks over the perfect turquoise lake. The first lake is a little over half of the distance for the full Whit's lakes trail. 

The hike is Whit's Lakes because there are two. If you continue on the trail around the east side of the first lake you will begin the switchbacks up to the second lake. The second lake is equally beautiful and great if your up for a longer adventure.

Note: the first lake will be at different levels depending on the time of year. Early-Mid July is a great time to go. Later August the lake lowers. 
forest before the first lake
Skip some rocks
Second Lake 

The End.
Adventure is Out There
