Coffin Lake

Coffin Lake


Who:Carley, Robert, Hannah, McKay, John, Krysti, Ellie


Trail:11 miles, 4 hours

2019, what a year. The family reunion to be remembered because of Stranger Things season 3 and illness. But let's talk about coffin lake. This is one of my favorite hikes in West. The trail starts off with a gradual incline weaving between meadows and trees. Then, as the trail steepens, you get into thick forests of pines with small river crossings. This hike has wonderful variety and I think that is why I love it. The distance leaves you feeling accomplished, and the lake gives you an awesome destination.  

This is a long hike so bring lots of water and snacks. We had lunches (and a lot of saltine crackers). We've only come across other hikers once in all the years we've done this hike, so bring a bell and bear spray. After you reach the lake you can hike up a small trail west of the main cleared area, and get a nice view over the lake. Although there are river crossings, they are all passable thanks to logs, and rocks. So no need for extra socks. If it's huckleberry season keep an eye out, because there are some bushes along the trail. 


We hike Coffin Lake about every other year. Although it is a long drive out on Denny Creek Rd. to the trail head it is worth it! 

The Start
The meadows at the beginning of the hike

Great River Crossing Skills
More crossings
Coffin Lake, perfectly clear water
Higher View

The End.
Adventure is out there!
