Cabin Creek Trail


Cabin Creek Trail


Who:Ellie, Covey, and Lucy


Trail:We hiked 3.5(.75 to fishing wall)

I have been wanting to try this trail out all summer. We finally got to explore it right before closing the cabin for the winter. It was breathtaking! We started a little late in the day, so we didn't make it up as far as we wanted to. There isn't necessarily a destination on this hike, but the fishing wall if .75 miles up, and that is when the views start to get spectacular.

To get to the trailhead you pull into the cabin creek campground, and follow the loop through the campsites until you get to the back end where the trailhead parking is. The trail is a nice gradual incline following along the creek between towering cliffs. I am excited to get back!

trailhead and fish barrier plaque

fish barrier 
